In light of heated debates over land shortages and allocations in Hong Kong, it is time for the government and civil society to think out of the box. Constrained by their size, shape and accessibility, most vacant land listed on Lands Department’s Short Term Tenancy (STT) for community uses are unsuitable for housing nor long term development. However, we believe these sites could bring magnificent social impacts when all sectors join hands to reimagine community spaces that reflects public aspirations.
Starting this semester, CollaborateHK is checking-in at the CUHK campus to share our vision and community-backed placemaking initiatives. Special thanks must be given to Professor Mee Kam NG, Program Director of Urban Studies Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who has kindly offered us an opportunity to network with 50 keen, deligent future urban leaders in class. Through a series of interactive lectures and field work, students will investigate STTs in different districts, identify local needs and concerns with stakeholders, and develop a placemaking proposal that meets community aspirations. We look forward to learning their creative schemes at the final presentation!