CollaborateHK | Vacnat Site Activation 1001 was a great success!
We were glad to have over 150 friends and collaborators coming from different disciplines, gathering to explore possible ways to activate vacant lands in Hong Kong and sharing their experiences in curating community-led projects.
Big thanks to Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, Hong Kong International Photo Festival, School of Everyday Life, HKYWCA - Tin Library, St. James' Settlement and CSSA Alliance for their participation and presentations. Also, thanks to Hong Kong Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, who gave us the opportunity to connect parties passionate in site activation and bottom-up placemaking, and to share our imagination towards a better city.
Among the crowd, there are 70+ representitives from NGOs and charities, as well as multi-discipinary professionals - architects, surveyers, designers, academics, businessmen, and government representatives. We look forward to hosting more similar events in the future and contributing to our city by enabling meaningful collaborations!
Let's check out the event highlights!